Building a new property from scratch can take a serious toll on the environment due to the large number of materials that must be produced to complete the project. Fortunately, there is one way to get around this problem- building restoration!

In many cities across North America, outdated buildings are being restored into modern properties with a rustic charm created by reusing old materials. This movement has made a positive impact on the environment, and drastically reduced the amount of time, labor, and money that it takes to build from the ground up. Our team at Genesis Construction has compiled a list of ways that you can take this a step further by making your restoration project even more environmentally friendly.

How Building Restoration Companies Can Preserve Energy During Restoration

1.Opt for water-based paint

Different paints take various amounts of energy to produce. Fortunately, there are many eco-friendly home renovation materials on the market now, and water-based paint is one of them. This low-energy option should give you a beautiful finish after just a couple of coats.

2.Reimagine old building materials

While many building restoration companies strip their projects down to the bones before reconstructing them, this is not always necessary. Many historic properties are made using durable, long-lasting materials such as brick. These types of materials can easily be refashioned into a charming, modern architectural element.

3.Heat the building using natural heat

No matter how old your property is, the right amount of insulation should be enough to keep it warm and comfortable. We strongly recommend insulating your restored building so that you can reap the benefits of thermal energy without overusing wasteful electric or gas heating units.

4.Be mindful of the new materials you buy

Although we encourage you to reuse as many materials as possible from the original building, this is not always a possibility. For example, much of the wood in your building will need to be replaced to avoid rotting. When buying a replacement, make sure you look for a sustainable option that is strong enough to support your property.

5.Repair whenever possible

With a bit of effort, many damaged or worn elements of your building can probably be remedied rather than replaced. Before stripping down your property, be realistic about the components that may be salvageable.

Don’t hesitate to contact our building restoration contractors at Genesis Construction today for assistance on your restoration project!