Landlords have many responsibilities when it comes to the health and safety of their tenants. It is important to stay up to date on construction improvement so that tenants do not feel the effects of mold.

To help you, we’ve outlined a few ways that you can keep your rental property mold-free.

  1. Know the signs to look for

Although professional health inspections are the ideal way to get a read on the condition of your property, it is not always realistic. There are a few signs that you can look for in order to identify mold. Look at areas that hold the most moisture in the home such as basements or bathroom ceilings. If there is a musty smell or dark-colored spots in these areas, it is a sign that mold needs to be dealt with. If left for too long without improvement, tenants may become ill as a result.

  1. Keep mold at a safe level

Mold is present in all properties. However, if mold is ever visible in your home, then it has reached an unsafe level. Remove mold by scrubbing it off of surfaces with a strong cleaning agent such as bleach, or entirely replacing surfaces such as carpets and walls. When removing these materials, it is important to replace them immediately so that the foundation of the building is not exposed to a possible mold infestation in the future.

  1. Find the root of the problem

Mold is normally caused by some source of excess moisture that is being released. Find the root of the moisture and contain or seal it immediately so that the mold does not return after you have removed it.

  1. Take safety precautions while removing mold

It is important to protect yourself during construction improvement by wearing protective gear such as goggles. Property owners should also seal off the affected space with a plastic sheet, to prevent the mold from spreading to other rooms. Once you have removed mold from a surface, conceal it in a sturdy plastic bag that will prevent the wet material from seeping through.

  1. Spray moldy areas with water

Adding further moisture to the surface may seem counterintuitive, however, it will stop the spread of mold spores to other areas while you continue your construction improvement.

Get Tenant Improvement Construction Today

For the best results, it is always best to have a professional deal with a mold problem. Call us today at 1-847-895-4422 to book an appointment with one of our experts!