When choosing a commercial construction consulting firm for your business project, it’s always a good idea to look for firms with plenty of experience.  Construction projects are never one-size-fits-all, and designs need to be based around the needs of each business type.

For example, these are some of the most common types of business construction – and how they need to be matched to the business activity.

Five Common Commercial Construction Consulting Projects

1 – Grocery stores

The layout of grocery stores requires plenty of floor space, especially if the shelves are going to be permanently installed.  Proper flooring is another major consideration – it needs to be able to stand up to plenty of traffic and spills.  Care also needs to be taken with the cold areas of the store.  Special materials may be needed to avoid any leaks.

2 – Hotels

Consistency is key when it comes to building hotels.  Every room within a ‘class’ should be equivalent to any other, and financial planning should leverage bulk buying to save money.  Soundproofing is another major concern that isn’t as important in other projects.

3 – Medical facilities

Designing medical or pharmaceutical facilities requires a deep working knowledge of relevant regulations.  Everything must be designed to remain sanitary and be easily cleaned.  Special anti-microbial materials will need to be deployed, as well as ensuring that ‘clean’ rooms remain clean.

4 – Restaurants

Owners will have a lot of input into the look and feel of their restaurant, so listening is one of the most crucial skills here.  However, a commercial construction contractor still needs to be well-familiar with food safety and inspection regulations, to ensure the kitchen and other working areas are entirely safe.  They may also have additional electrical or plumbing needs beyond what’s typical.

5 – Stadiums 

A large stadium is a dream project for many contractors looking to build their reputation, but it’s important to be just as conscientious when creating smaller structures, such as school football fields.  Traffic flow and audience safety are paramount – large numbers of people must be able to safely enter and exit, even in the event of an emergency.  Thoughtful planning is a must.

Genesis Construction has extensive experience in building and renovating a wide variety of businesses across the Chicagoland area.  When you need excellent construction contractors at a reasonable price, contact us for a free consultation.